Add a device to Azure AD using a Work Account

1. If you are trying to get access control Miami to your Windows PC to your work or school account using Azure ad, active directory and you see the following message, “It looks like we can’t connect to the URL for your organization’s MDM terms of use”. Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Texto, Aplicación, Correo electrónico Descripción generada automáticamente

2. To fix this error you must go to the Admin panel and then Azure ad Active Directory (1) 

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Aplicación Descripción generada automáticamente

3. Then, go to Mobility (MDM and MAM) (2)

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Texto, Aplicación, Correo electrónico Descripción generada automáticamente

4. Then, go to Microsoft Intune (3)

Interfaz de usuario gráfica, Aplicación Descripción generada automáticamente

5. You will see the following options in the Azure ad:

Azure ad
Azure ad connect
Azure ad login
Azure ad sync

6. Then, you will need to change de MDM user scope from portal in all to None (4), as it’s shown in the image below (4,5):

Azure ad Azure ad connect Azure ad login Azure ad syncInterfaz de usuario gráfica, Texto, Aplicación, Correo electrónico Descripción generada automáticamente

7. Once you complete this step, you will need to put it (In Azure configuration) as it was previously (in your access control installation companies), as shown to the right (6, 7)

Azure ad
Azure ad connect
Azure ad login
Azure ad sync


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