How to send group messages to residents with ButterflyMX?

Residents will not only be safe with just door management alone. Another key component of security is being able to quickly and effectively communicate with residents. If there is an urgent matter you have to communicate through the app. One of the main features in the property administration console is the ability to send group messages to residents of your building.

Step 1

Log in to your property administration console on your computer.


Step 2

Click on group messages, from the menu on the left side of the screen.


Step 3

Click new group message in the top left corner of the screen.


Step 4

Choose a title for your message then write the body underneath.


Keep in mind that when you send group messages to residents through the ButterflyMX Admin System, the message will go to every single tenant who is currently imported into the system. So, for the example above, the message would go to 3 tenants.

Residents will receive the message via email and/or text, depending on their settings.


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