Electric panic bars are a physical security infrastructure you can install on a door to help you escape an emergency. Certainly, this security system is specific so that someone can easily open it even if they panic. Accordingly, it has this name for your function.

Electric panic bars safe system Dicsan technology access control systems Miami

Other types of doors would be much more challenging to operate in an emergency. It is helpful with sweaty hands and in moments of adrenaline and anxiety. In fact, the panic bar exists to allow access or exit at these times.

The operation of these bars is effortless: you must push the bar to open the door. So, this type of door has been and is a very safe system in the event of a fire, for example. If the doors have this type of bar, it is essential to accompany these systems with adequate signage.

In cases where emergency exits are not correctly marked, these posts can be useless. But people usually only know the doors that open inwards, and good signage can prevent major disasters.

These measures and access control systems in Miami are part of the safety regulations and clearly marked emergency exits. Also, panic bars are generally applicable on doors only used as exits. In these cases, installing door locks compatible with a panic bar is essential.

Electric panic bars safe system Dicsan technology access control systems Miami

They consider these types of locks to be part of security regulations. Above all, it is necessary to check that they are working correctly and that they are working at the time of installation.

The latch mechanism is the main component of these bars. It allows you to open from the inside easily by pushing the bar. So, it is essential to screw it correctly and align the latch. It is preferable to hire a professional installer for this type of installation. At Dicsan Technology, we offer electric panic bar installation and repair service!


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