NVR hard drives testing health check

Hard drives are a crucial component in DVR/NVR systems, as they store video recordings from security cameras. It is important to keep them in good condition to ensure the security and proper functioning of the system. SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology) technology integrated into hard drives can help you diagnose their health and prevent unexpected failures. 

nvr hard drives hard drives for nvr

What is a smart test in NVR hard drives?


SMART is a self-monitoring technology that monitors various parameters of the NVR hard drives, such as temperature, uptime, read/write error rate, and overall disk health. This information can be used to identify potential problems before they cause data loss or hard drive failure.

How to perform a SMART test in on a DVR/NVR


The steps to perform a SMART test may vary depending on the make and model of the DVR/NVR. However, in general, the process is as follows: 

In this example we will work with an NVR.

Access the DVR/NVR menu:

  • Log in to the DVR/NVR’s web interface or control panel. 
  • Locate the hard drive configuration or maintenance section. 
  • Select the option to perform a SMART test. 
  • Log in to the DVR/NVR’s web interface or control panel. 
  • Locate the hard drive configuration or maintenance section. 
  • Select the option to perform a SMART test. 

2. Select the test NVR hard drives type:

    • Different types of SMART tests are available, each with different objectives. 


    • The quick test is a good option to get a general assessment of the security cameras NVR hard drive health. 


    • The full test is more comprehensive and may take longer to complete. 

nvr hard drives hard drives for nvr
  1. Start the test:
  • Select the hard drive you want to test. 
  • Click the button to start the test. 
  • Wait for the test to complete
  1. Review the results:
  • The SMART test will generate a report with the results. 
  • The report will show the values of the different SMART parameters and their status (passed or failed). 

You can also do a sector scan test, to find out which sectors are defective. This Processes can take several Hours, depending on the size of the  Hard Disk. 


Example test full:

Interpreting the NVR hard drives results:

  • Passed: The hard drive is healthy and there are no problems. 
  • Failed: The hard drive may have a problem and it is recommended to back up the data and replace it as soon as possible. 
  • Caution: The hard drive is working properly, but some parameters are close to the failure threshold. It is recommended to monitor the hard drive closely and perform SMART tests regularly. 


It is recommended to perform SMART tests on DVR/NVR hard drives regularly, at least once every 3 months. 

  • If any problem is observed in the SMART test results, it is important to take steps to solve the problem as soon as possible. 
  • It is recommended to have a backup of the data stored on the DVR/NVR hard drive to prevent data loss in case of hard drive failure. 


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