How to install Millenium access level and time periods

How to install Millenium ultra access level and time periods

To optimally configure the milennium ultra access level time periods and level accesses, we recommend that you follow these steps:

First Step:

To be able to configure the Time Periods, we move in the menu to the Millenium access controls Systems Administration option (1) and in this, we open the Time Periods panel (2) as shown below.

Millenium access control access control card access systems

Second step:

Once in the panel of your Millenium ultra access control system, we touch the New option to add a new Time Periods.

Millenium access control access control card access systems

Third step:

The first thing we do is name it (5), and then we click on the (+) option to add the days and times in which the Time Periods will work in the Millennium access control, as shown below.(6,7)

Millenium access control access control card access systems
Millenium access control access control card access systems

Fourth step:

And finally, we proceed to save the Millenium ultra access control configuration (8)

Millenium access control access control card access systems

Fifth step:

Millenium access control access control card access systems

In case we want to add the Holidays in the Time periods control system, we can do it as shown below (1), entering the name (2) and configuring it on an annual or relative basis. (3)

Sixth step

Once the Time Periods and Holidays have been configured in your, we can configure the Access Levels by going to the Millenium ultra access Level panel in the Millenium access control System Administration menu as shown below (1)

Seventh step

Once located in the Millenium ultra access level menu, the first thing we must do is click on the New option to proceed to add a new one (2)

Eight step

Now, as shown below, the first thing we do in the Millenium ultra access level is name it (3), followed by this in the Available objects column that is located on the left (4), we select the doors to which we want to grant access control with this access level, and in the column of the right Time Periods the frequency with which it will be repeated (5) and then we give it to add (6) and once this is done we can give it save to add the Millenium ultra acces Level (7)


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