Selcom delete and create users steps:

1. To create a new Selcom record for a new user, first, you need to log into the app by opening and entering your credentials (1) and pressing enter on your keyboard.

2. Then click on the drop-down bottom (2) and select the Data Base (3):

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3. Click on View Edit Directory (4):

4. Click on Add New (5)

5. Then enter the Code Number in the selcom secured interphase (6), Name (7), Phone number (8), Card Name, and Number (9), you can optionally hide the Name (10), enter a PIN for the user (11), you can assign them more than one card (12), and information like email, parking, etc. (13), click save changes (14) and finished (15).

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6. To send the new information to the telephone entry system intercom, you need to go to the main page. To do it, just click on the main page button (16).

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7. Then left click on the box below Dir. (17) and select Send Directory Updates Only (18).

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7.1 Next, you must repeat the process in the selcom entry system left click on the box below Dir. (19), and select Clear Directory Updates Flag (20).

8. Then click on Start Comms (21).

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Once the program sends the information correctly, you will see it as shown below:

How to delete an existing record in a Selcom software?

1. To eliminate an existing record from the selcom intercom software directory, go to the directory, and search for the user you want to delete, then left click on it (1):

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2. Once you do that, you will see the following window, click on Mark for Delete (2).

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3. Click on finished (3).

4. Then go to the main page (4)

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And click on Automatic Interface (5)

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5. Then left click on the box below Dir. (6) select Send Directory Updates Only (7)

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6. Repeat the process in the residential telephone entry system, click on the box below Dir. (8) and select Clear Directory Updates Flag (9)

Then click on Start Comms (10).

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7. Once the Selcom secured program sends the information correctly, you will see it as shown below:


On Key

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