Benefits of structured cabling systems for your business

Structured cabling is the design and installation of a cabling system that will support multiple hardware uses and be suitable for today’s needs and those of the future. With a correctly installed system, current and future requirements can be met, and hardware that is added in the future will be supported.

Structured cabling design and installation is governed by a set of standards that specify wiring data centers, offices, and apartment buildings for data or voice communications using various kinds of cable, most commonly category 5e (Cat 5e), category 6 (Cat 6), and fiber optic cabling and modular connectors. These standards define how to lay the cabling in various topologies in order to meet the needs of the customer, typically using a central patch panel (which is normally 19-inch rack-mounted), from where each modular connection can be used as needed. Each outlet is then patched into a network switch (normally also rack-mounted) for network use or into an IP or PBX (private branch exchange) telephone system patch panel.

The importance of organised cabling systems will vary dependoing on your business needs, it can ensure a highly reliable cost-effective network infrastructure. Here we are going to briefly explain five main beenefits that strucutred wiring solutions can bring to your business

1 Lowers the risk of downtime

In case you had a problem with your wiring structure it won’t be solved as easily just as if you had a structured system for your business and reducing downtime. You will notoriously spend more time identifying which cable has caused the problem when using multiple wiring infrastructure, therefore, your employees and business productivity will be affected.

2 Simplicity and easy to manage

By controling everything using one single system eliminates the complexity of having multiple wiring infrastructures in place. This will reduce downtime and less money in the long-term.

3 Enhanced flexibility

A structured wiring system solution holds a high level of flexibility due it can quickly accomodate new changes, any addition or moves. This ensures your business experiences improved performance which translates to increased business growth. It also reduces the time taken during installation as well as increases adaptability to network infrastructure changes, making it easy to relocate to a new office.

4 Adaptability

Structure cabling systems come with very high bandwidth. With high bandwidth, the system can support any future applications that may be introduced to your business, video conferencing or multimedia, without interruption of the current system. Therefore, you will always be assured that your cabling system won’t become outdated in the future.

5 Future proof investment

Having an adaptable IT team that is reliable and provides a quick response when it comes to facing industry changes is vital. Future proof investment is the most significant benefit an structured wiring system can provide you a good structure for supporting your business growth. With structured cabling, you can rest assured your network infrastructure won’t become outdated and will support all emerging applications as your business grows.

Look no forward and get a quote to get your structured cabling system solution for yous business with a reliable team that will fit for your needs in the area of Miami. Whether your staff can’t afford to lose time dealing with computers or you are in need of experienced advise, we are the company to call. We have implemented a proactive approach to free your business fast from unexpected downtimes and optimize responsiveness and perfomance with or without an internal IT staff. We offer services to support and maintain your systems 24/7 contact us at 786-622-2221.


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