Have you ever wanted to be in two places at the same time? Certainly, you may not be able to be there physically, but with the help of Dicsan Technology,
you’ll know what’s going on in and around your home or business. Installing a Wide Dynamic Range Cameras System and setting up Remote Monitoring on your Smartphone, Tablet, PC or TV; you’ll be able to have the peace of mind you deserve knowing exactly what is
happening in real time at your property while you are away.
During the daytime, due to the high brightness of the incoming light, the image the security cameras produce tends to be blurry. Restaurants, stores, offices, and other buildings with large windows or entrances are commonly the victims of this effect. Additionally, the difference in lighting. For example, when part of a video image is dark and the other is so bright that you can’t see details, it is called Dynamic Range. Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) Security Camera has sensors that allow the security camera to balance the difference in lighting for one clear image. This technology is one of the most popular features in IP Security Cameras. But what is it, and how can it benefit us?
WDR is a feature currently available in most security systems. After all, in order to balance out images that have a large dynamic range. Images taken by standard surveillance cameras always seem to have an overexposed foreground. Also, too dark of a background due to the limitation of the security camera image sensor sensitivity. Over the course of a day, the situation can change with different areas of the scene being over or underexposed. In these cases, a WDR technology is the best option for image quality. Applying multiple exposure levels, contrast enhancement, and advanced algorithms. Users are able to place their security cameras in Miami exactly where they need them. Don’t worry about poor-quality surveillance video images or difficult lighting.
There is no doubt that Wide Dynamic Range is a useful technology. Basically, makes it easy to see clear images in light and dark areas in the same shot. Instead of overexposing or underexposing various sections of the scene as with normal surveillance cameras without WDR technology. It is available in the following types:
Allows security cameras to capture good quality pictures even under challenging light conditions. Additionally, this technology maintains a proper image brightness, exposure, contrast and ensures image clarity. Certainly, this function is available in both analog security cameras and digital IP security cameras. dB is the measure of a Wide Dynamic Range. A Wide Dynamic Range Security Camera with a WDR of 120 dB can catch a greater scale of brightness.
Digital Wide Dynamic Range (DWDR) is a software-based technique that optimizes image quality by adjusting the gamma (γ) value to enhance dark areas. Additionally, has the ability to view dark areas of the given image as well as extremely lighted portions of the image, or areas of high contrast. So, the DWDR level varies from 1 to 8, so it is carefully adjusted on a Wide Dynamic Range Digital Security Camera according to lighting conditions to minimize possible image deterioration.
True Wide Dynamic Range:
Is a sensor-based technology that can produce images with an extremely wide dynamic range. Additionally, image sensor of this technology can capture several images with short and long exposures, then combining them into a single frame. Then, true WDR in a True Wide Dynamic Range Security Camera can be adjusted using three pre-set levels (Low/Mid/High) according to the lighting conditions. Proper calibration of WDR level is essential to achieving the best result – setting the WDR level too low may not produce satisfying visibility, while setting the Wide Dynamic Range level to high may lead to washed out images.

Wide Dynamic Range can vary from a low of 60dB to a high of 130dB in the best-performing IP Security Cameras on the market. A Wide Dynamic Range Security Camera with a dynamic range of 60 dB would do an excellent job of clearly recording a scene with high or low light levels. However, they don’t have a high level of classification. Wide Dynamic Range is a key specification on security cameras when it reaches greater than 100dB. If you are interested in choosing a Wide Dynamic Range Security Camera but are still deciding which Wide Dynamic Range security system to pick, please contact us. Our team of knowledgeable Security Specialists, at Dicsan Technology, can help you choose the security camera system that best Wide Dynamic Range Security Camera for your needs and budget. Take the next step … Contact Dicsan today!